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Viettel wap V3

Tất cả phầm mềm mới sẽ được cập nhật tại Viettel wap

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Handy Taskman v2.2 S60V3 Viet Hoa.sis 76kb Phan mem quan ly du lieu he thong, xem tinh trang bo nho, quan ly nhung ung dung dang chay...
Theme Sheduler v.0.70 Viet Hoa.sis 76kb Phan mem chuyen doi theme 'chu de' theo thoi gian va cau hinh, co che do chuyen ngau nhien, thay doi hinh nen theo thoi gian.
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Important Note: if you encounter "Expired Certificate" problem, please set your phone date to 01.01.2007 or 05.05.2007 or 01.01.2006 before you install the program or game, you can set the correct date back after the program or theme is installed.

if your phone wont let you install applications then go to your phone's "Application Manager" menu, press "Options", press "Settings", make sure "Software installation" is set to "All", and "Online Certificate check" is set to "Off".

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